Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blossom Belle 3.0

Now that I am in, I know that this will not going to be easy. I am officially under the BlossomBelle recruit. I have been observing the others since the first and second version were launched. And I heard so much about it. Most of them grew so much out of it. I saw how they transformed and fully utilize their hidden potential. I cant resist but to be one of them.

However, there's definitely price for this. It is my utmost commitment and willingness to leave my comfort zone. For the first two days in the circle, it wasn't that bad. I still can catch up with whatever the Nouricier is up to. Alhamdulillah.

The thing about working from home and be in this circle is you need to have a very good time management habit. Since that you have to make your online presence high, you have to literally be there most of the time. BUT, how can you do that when you actually have a real family to take care of? And two clingy cats? No, Actually I am the one who is clingy. My cats are doing fine. Imagine a mom with babies? Real babies I mean. They must have it harder.

So, this is the part that nobody else could understand except you and your closest ones. While you have errands to run, babies to sit, you also need to entertain lots of notification and messages from the customers.

But, there are mommies who make it through. Some even prosper out from it. Isn't it amayzingg? I didn't say its  amazing because they made a lot of money, but it is the ability to stand high but still somehow grounded is what I find very exciting. And the sense of achievement you have when you manage to break your very own personal sales record (We don't have to put high benchmark because we know ourselves better than anybody else).

So yeah, good luck and bon voyage to my journey with Mary Jardin and Blossom Belle. Please Graduate this time Nisa!

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