Monday, November 6, 2017

Write again

I was checking Dr Maryam facebook as usual when I learnt  that she has a blog which eventually directed me to my own blog haha. THIS ONE. Not bad for my basic level. I even decorated my blog. Seriously Nisa? My husband would be surprise to see this.  I used to write and because my ex was a writer, I got infected. haha. But the infection was mild as most of my posts were just some random rant. So, maybe, just maybe, writing is not my pure talent. I have to polish it up.. hew.  

But really, writing is fun, indeed. I can express whatever thought I have if I have nobody to listen to me. My husband, well, he's a good listener but he's a good lecturer too. I have a sensitive heart, so yeah, before he starts lecturing, its better for me to stop him first. And I cant keep talking to my cats in front of my in laws. They are cute but I need a smarter response. 

So HELLO to November. I have found you back Heart Serene. I hope it will give the serenity to those who encounter this blog and spread more loves to those in need. 



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